Published On: Mon, Nov 20th, 2023

Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for November 20


You will excel at anything competitive, whether mental or physical. If the opportunity arises to try something new and this is what you have always wanted to do, take it. Apply for a job, start a new study course or attend an audition. This is your chance to reach career heights you have often dreamed of.


A senior colleague has a lot on their mind. The pressure they are under is obvious and you can understand why they are so sullen and moody. You are trying hard not to take their criticism personally but someone’s constant negativity is starting to get you down.


Forward planning is the key to achieving success. Whatever you decide on doing today and over the week ahead you will have more than enough energy to see it through to the end. Taking a careful and sensible approach to your commitments will get the intended results.


You might feel as if something is wrong with a relationship and if you can’t shake off this feeling, what you can do is talk about it. You aren’t drawing attention to yourself by voicing your concerns. Bring an internal dispute out into the open through honest discussion.


Events early on will revolve around a last minute decision. There will be a lot of rushing around before things finally get underway but it will all be worthwhile. As well as enjoying a successful day, a spontaneous evening arrangement will give you a night to remember.


Research into your family history will bring up some interesting information. As you find out about the achievements of an ancestor this will fill you with ideas to brighten up your own prospects. You also feel inspired through your contact with others.


You will admit to having been overspending and over indulging in your hectic social life. You are about to step into a quiet phase which offers you a chance to slow down, relax and get your finances back in order. Someone will take over a job you’ve done for a long time. You will be interested to see whether they make any changes.


People are impressed by your stamina as you take on demanding tasks that need doing around the home or workplace. You could have left these for someone else to do but you know that the longer it is left, the harder it will be to complete a task.


Working with children and animals will feel rewarding and this could lead you to re-thinking your career. The future would be a lot more fulfilling if it included more work that enables you to care for others, either on a professional or voluntary basis.


A financial matter needs urgent attention. News received will confirm you are better off than you had thought. You love a challenge and will be quick to accept a dare a friend puts to you later in the day much to their surprise.


It’s important to get paid what you are worth. The market may be competitive but you are offering a unique and superior service. People will be willing to pay extra and will understand why you have to raise your rates. Community events take up your evening hours.


Some good news will have some bearing on your career plans. An invitation to an important event will be confirmation that you are starting to move in a new direction. Breaking away from routine to provide a new service will boost your professional reputation.

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